Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Luscious Lifestyle? A Luscious Lifestyle!

So you may be wondering what exactly I mean with living "A Luscious Lifestyle", well... it comes down to simply: Food.  My awakening to this reality occured just under a year ago when I started doing Yoga. This discovery allowed me to get aquainted to and listen to my body. When I began I was so facinated with it, that I started researching and reading as much information as possible on this thing called "Yoga" and surely found out how diet plays a big role. I started doing my own little experiements with myself through my diet and yoga - Mind you, until that point the word "diet" was stricktly used for "losing weight" as opposed to now, the word diet means "the way I eat on a regular basis practising smart choices with the food I put in my mouth". I found a direct correlation about how I felt, and how "well" I performed my yoga Asanas (poses) depending on what I ate that day. My new Food Guru Kriss Carr, recently introduced to me by my Soul Sister Ale, said "If our body is a temple, our mouth is the Altar". Thats stuck to me alot. So lucious lifestyle to me is being able to eat properly. Allocating time during the week to shop for the right foods, and preper them.. planning ahead the week, It means filling your tummy with lots of yummy raw fruits and veggies! Having a warm "soup belly" after a yummy vegetable minestrone soup!! hmmm.... Im dribbling a la Homer Simpson.. Carrot for Donut.

After having tried many, many, MANY diets (from only apples to onion soups, high protein to high fat... trust me Ive tried them all!), growing up with a Mother who starts a new diet each Monday (sorry but its true Mum!), bumped into anorexia and bulimia (I say bumped in because it wasnt something diagnosed profesionaly and I freaked out before it got too serious!) and well having played with my diet like a yo-yo, when I discovered Yoga my LIFE changed. 

Dont get me wrong, coming from a family who do Argentenean style BBQs most Sundays, and having lived on the Medditerranean sea most my life: I ABSOLUTLY LOVE FOOD!! Having eaten meat, diary, sugars and wined all my life, before this recent phase Tofu seemed like that weired thing hippies eat and to be frank, so did the whole idea of being a vegetarian.. I would say "Why!?" with out wanting to know "why!". So I guess Im lucky to have gone through the stages of self awarness yoga put me through. I am not a vegetarian, nor a vegan (yet). How ever I am on a mission... I feel it within me. Thats why I have developed this blog to go writting my experience and express this transition. If anyone would like to support, please do so, or any tips and recomendations will be really apreciated!! :)  

I guess I just found something good and want to share it. You see, i dont just want to talk about yoga,  food and tofu, its a bigger picture: i want to write about LIFE! About how Im TRANSFORMING MY LIFE!! 

This leads on to my Budhist phylosophy. I practise Nichiren Budhism since 9 years now. I will surly share as much as I can about this too!!! As thanks to this practise I am the person I want to be! :)

Over all, I will be giving tips (note Im not a nutrionalist or doctor, Im just a person will speak from my experience), I will share my daily diet, share any cool recepy or just share information I find interesting! 

Namaste xox

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