Ok so we all know that water is good for us and that we must drink something like 10 gallons of water per day right? Well although Im being ironical, the truth is that: YES water is VERY good us, and YES when you start drinking water in your diet it DOES seem like 10 gallons, but trust me soon enough it will be normal. Let me refresh again the fact that I am going to write in this blog from a personal stand point and not as a scientist. So, drinking water is good for you because you must hydrate from inside to outside. Your body is made up of millions and millions of cells, and each one of these represent the entire YOU! For example you are made of 70% water, well guess what? so is each of your cells. I drink water for many reasons, (and when I say I drink water I refer to 3 litters per day. Minimum.). I like to think that the water I drink flushes out the toxins (toxins are all those nasty things we get from pesticides in food, perfumes, cleaning products, pollution etc that are absorbed into our precious bodies). Yes, drinking 3 litters of waters makes me go to the toilet alot, but thats exactly the point - think that you also burn more calories (just the mere fact of getting up, going to the toilet etc) makes you burn more than not going at all! But also the benefit of water is that it hydrates your skin (bigest organ in your body!!) this means less wrinkles!! It also means your fuller, and less likely to go off and munch on something you dont really need!
Now I want to share my latest discovery. Its not about drinking water "whenever", you see, you can drink water and still not "hydrate" from it. Drinking water has a time: Ideally you should be drinking 2 to 3 litters of water in the morning before you have any food in your system, however you shouldnt drink when you eat and should wait 30 to 60 minutes after eating. The Harre Krisna diet explains this as the water you drink, turns off the fire produced in your stomach (refering to your digestive acids being "fire" burning the calories you have eaten). This makes alot of sense! For a whille, I used water for the opposite purpose, I would use water to purposly slower down my metabolism. Anyways, we'r all free to experiment... I like to think that the more I practise this "waiting to drink after eating for 30 to 60 minutes" the quicker my body burns what I consume! :)
P.S Coffee, Tea, Coke, Fanta... ANY DRINK OTHER THAN WATER IS NOT CONSIDERED WATER because your body doesnt recognise it as H2O but something other, thus doesnt absorb it into the system and hydrate like it does with water.
P.S.S. My trick to drink water is to pour a full glass and down it. Not sip on it, otherwise i never finish it! At the office I have my bottle and glass infront of me on my desk and during the day I go serving myself BIG glasses of water....hmm thirsty??
Hope this informed :) x
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